Research Article |
Corresponding author: Rizna Triana Dewi ( ) Academic editor: Plamen Peikov
© 2022 Rizna Triana Dewi, Gian Primahana, Abdi Wira Septama, Marrisa Angelina, Lia Meilawati, Sofa Fajriah, Greesty F. Swandiny.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dewi RT, Primahana G, Septama AW, Angelina M, Meilawati L, Fajriah S, Swandiny GF (2022) Quality control standardization of Indonesian noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia) extract and evaluation of their angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity. Pharmacia 69(3): 709-717.
Morinda citrifolia fruit (Noni) has been used as a folk medicine in several countries. Noni possessed various pharmacological activities such as; anticancer, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antarthritic, and antioxidants. The present study evaluated pharmacognostic properties, profiling of active constituent through High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) and Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (LC-HRMS) run for quantitative and qualitative phytochemical analysis and determining angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity of Noni from three different locations. The physicochemical parameters of crude drugs and extracts met the requirement of Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopeia. Total phenol content was 2.16-3.08 mg GAE/g extract and total flavonoid content was 0.11 - 1.58 mg QE/g extract. HPTLC analysis revealed that scopoletin content in Noni was in the range of 0.44 - 0.51%. The results were also corresponding well with LC-HRMS fingerprint analysis. In addition, Noni fruit extract from Bogor potential exhibited activity in inhibiting ACE with an IC50 value of 206.26 µg/mL.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme, herbal medicine, Morinda citrifolia, scopoletin, standardization
It has been known that traditional medicine has played a crucial role in preventing and treating several diseases of humankind since ancient times due to lesser side effects related to their use. The use of herbal medicine continued to increase and reported many people restored to traditional medicine to treat various health challenges in different national healthcare settings (
Morinda citrifolia, belongs to family Rubiaceae, , has been used as traditional medicine in several countries including Indonesia. This plant possessed several pharmacological activities such as immunomodulator, antiinflammation, anticancer, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective and anti-hypertension (Hirazumi et al. 1999;
In research based on natural materials, one of the crucial factors is the place of growth and the variable factors of each sampling location. Therefore, the sampling location was determined from three location points around the research area, which is an area that grows a lot of noni fruit so that it can be used sustainably and developed into valuable downstream areas. Many studies report the potential of noni fruits to be developed as a standardized herbal medicine. However, there is few information available about standardization and quality control of Noni fruit collected from several locations in Indonesia. In this study, we chose three locations: Sukabumi, Bogor, and Tangerang, with different altitudes, temperatures, and rainfall. Sukabumi is located in the highlands (300 – 1,000 m); the climate tends to be wet, with temperatures from 18 °C to 29 °C and an average annual rainfall of 2.805 mm/year; Bogor has a minimum elevation of 190 m and a maximum of 330 m above sea level, a wet tropical climate with high rainfall, and a temperature of 21 °C to 32 °C. Meanwhile, Tangerang is located in the lowlands (± 44 m), the air temperature ranges from 23.4 °C to 34.2 °C, the average humidity is 80.0%, and the rainfall is moderate ( Therefore, the present study to evaluate pharmacognostic properties such as macroscopical, microscopical, and physiochemical characterization and profiling of active constituent of Noni fruits. Moreover, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors were also determined.
Scopoletin, galic acid, quercetin, Folin Ciocalteu’s, gallic acid, HEPES and Rabbit lung by acetone dehydrated were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, Missouri, United States). Ethanol 96%, methanol, ethyl acetate, n-hexane from JT Baker. Substrate hippuryl-glycyl-glycine (Hip-Gly-Gly) was from Bachem (Torrance, CA, USA), and captopril (Cat: 1091200 US Pharmacopeial).
The ripen fruits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) were collected from three growing different locations in Indonesia such as Tangerang, Bogor, and Sukabumi, in September 2020. Plants were identified by Botanist in the Herbarium Bogoriense, Research Center for Biologi-BRIN. Samples were washed with running tap water, drained, and chopped into small pieces. Samples were dried in an oven at temperature of 45 °C for three days and ground into powder for further analysis. Each the dried powdered of fruit (500 g) were extracted using 70% ethanol under maceration condition. The organic solvents were evaporated using rotary vacuum evaporator to produce crude extract.
The assessment including macroscopic/microscopic studies, water content, ash content, acid insoluble ash content, water soluble extract content, ethanol-soluble content, pathogen-microbial contaminant, and heavy metal contaminant were referred to the Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopeia (PHI)1st (Depkes 2008).
Phytochemical analysis to detect the presence of alkaloid, flavonoids, triterpenes/steroid, and saponin in the extract using standard methods was carried out using colorimetric methods according to previous study with slight modification (Yadav et al. 2011). The total phenolic content was estimated according to Folin-Ciocalteu method and total flavonoid was determined according to aluminums trichloride method using quercetin as the reference compound (
Stock solution of standard scopoletin was prepared in methanol. The working solution of standard compound was subsequently diluted in methanol to afford a series of scopoletin solution of 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 μg/mL. Next, each Noni crude extracts (100 mg) were dissolved in 10 mL methanol.
Scopoletin and Noni crude extracts were separated and analyzed using a HPTLC system (CAMAG Linimoat 5, Switzerland). Chromatographic development was carried out on 10×10 cm precoated silica gel 60 F254 aluminium plate (E. Merck) chamber with ethyl acetate–n-hexane (3:2, V/V) as mobile phase. Two (2) μL of standard compound and extracts were applied to the plate using of an automatic specimen applicator (CAMAG Linimoat 5, Switzerland), fitted with a Hamilton microliter syringe (Bonaduz, Switzerland). The conditions were set at band length 8 mm. HPTLC plates: 20×10 cm, 0.2 mm thickness pre-coated with silica gel 60 F254; Merck. Band size: 6 mm, slit dimension: 5.00 × 0.45 mm. Scanning speed: 10 mm/s. Experimental conditions: temperature was 28±2 °C; relative humidity was 40%. After developing, the TLC plate was dried using an air dryer and for post-chromatographic treatment sulfuric acid in methanol (5%) reagent was used as visualization agent. Quantification was conducted by using HPTLC Scanner 4 linked to Vision CATS basic version. Scanning of bands were performed at 366 nm Scanning speed: 10 mm/s, and source of radiation: deuterium lamp.
Noni fruit extracts from three different location in Indonesia; Tangerang, Bogor and Sukabumi were accurately weighed (1.5 mg), added with MeOH (LiChrosolv, Hypergrade for LC-MS, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) and sonicated for 10 min until completely dissolved. The samples were then filtered through a 0.22 µm PTFE syringe filter (Waters, Milford, Massachusetts, USA) to obtain samples with a final concentration of 1 mg/mL. The LC-MS analysis was measured on Waters Xevo-G2 XS QTof using Waters BEH C18 column 1.8 µm (50 mm) in MSn positive sensitivity polarity mode. The solvents used were acetonitrile (B) and water (A) supplemented with 0.1% formic acid. Starting gradient from 5% B hold for 1 min and increasing gradually to 100% B in 10 min, hold in 100% for 3 minutes and bring back to initial gradient for 3 min to equilibrate the column with a total run of 17 min and the flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. Each run was compared to a blank sample and the injection volume was 1 µL. The measurements were analyzed using UNIFI software version 1.5 and the peaks were tentatively assigned with the comparison to Waters build-in library, while scopoletin was assigned by comparison to authentic standard of scopoletin (Sigma, S2500). MS conditions were as follow: column temperature 40 °C, mass range: 100–1200 Da, cone voltage 30 V, capillary 2kV, source temperature 120 °C, desolvation temperature 500 °C, cone gas flow 50 L/h, desolvation gas flow 1000 L/h, collision energy (ramp: 10–40 eV). Leucine enkephaline was used as an internal mass correction, infused every 10 s during the whole run.
This assay was performed as previously described with minor modifications (
Each experiment was performed in triplicate. To calculate standard error and mean, Microsoft Office Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp, USA) was used.
It has been known that pharmacognostic evaluation of medicinal plant is an important step in quality control of herbal medicine. Macroscopic and microscopic characterization as well as phytochemical analysis have been performed to identify and detect some adulteration and substitution that may be reduce purity and quality of raw materials. In this study, Noni crude drugs and its extract have been standardized based on its pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis.
As shown in Fig.
Phytochemical screening provides a general overview of active compounds presence in the medicinal plants. Phytochemical compounds in a plant extract can be affected by several factors, including geographical location, harvest time, and extraction method. The results of preliminary phytochemical screening of Noni fruits obtained from three different locations were presented in Table
Physicochemical, microbial contaminant and heavy metal contaminant analysis of Morinda citrifolia crude drugs and extracts obtained from different location.
Parameter | PHI | Bogor | Tangerang | Sukabumi |
Crude drugs | ||||
Loss on drying | < 10 | 7.64±0.31 | 5.93±0.66 | 4.28±0.69 |
Water content | < 10 | 2.67±0.71 | 2,00±0.63 | 3.20±0.80 |
Total Ash (%) | < 7 | 6.47±0.72 | 5.06±0.27 | 4.80±0.37 |
Acid insoluble ash (%) | < 2 | 0.91±0.05 | 0.51±0.03 | 0.21±0.10 |
Water soluble extractive value (%) | > 21 | 44.61±3.56 | 42.77±1.37 | 47.85±0.71 |
Ethanol soluble extractive value (%) | > 9.8 | 18.95±1.42 | 12.96±1.27 | 14.59±1.54 |
Scopoletin content (%) | > 0.02 | 0.03±0.001 | 0.02±0.002 | 0.02±0.001 |
Microbialogical test * | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
Heavy metal determination** | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Extract | ||||
Extractive yield (70% EtOH) | > 10 | 23.33±3.24 | 21.26±1.90 | 15.31±1.57 |
Water content | < 10 | 2.14±0.10 | 2.52±0.07 | 2.76±0.29 |
Total Ash (%) | < 0.8 | 0.60±0.05 | 0.76±0.02 | 0.61±0.02 |
Acid insoluble ash (%) | < 0.1 | 0.07±0.01 | 0.07±0.01 | 0.06±0.02 |
Scopoletin content (%) | ≥ 0.38 | 0.51±0.11 | 0.48±0.11 | 0.44±0.13 |
Microbiological test* | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
Heavy metal determination** | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Furthermore, the total phenol (TPC) and flavonoid content (TFC) in the extracts were also determined using colorimetric method. The results were interpreted as gallic acid equivalent (GAE) and quercetin equivalent (QE) in mg/g extract. As shown in Table
Physicochemical standard gives important information for further investigation and facilitate the identification of formulations in routine industrial production. The results of physicochemical analysis of Noni fruit crude drugs were displayed in Table
Phytochemical analysis of Morinda citrifolia fruit extract obtained from different location.
Parameters | Bogor | Tangerang | Sukabumi |
Alkaloids | + | + | + |
Flavonoids | + | + | + |
Triterpenoids/steroids | – | – | – |
Tannins | – | – | – |
Saponins | ++ | + | + |
Quinones | + | + | + |
Total phenolic content (mg GAE /g) | 3.08±0.72 | 2.26±0.91 | 2.16±0.23 |
Total Flavonoid content (mg QE /g) | 1.11±0.35 | 0.76±0.16 | 1.58±0.81 |
Contamination by heavy metals such as mercury (Hg), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) in herbal remedies can be attributed with several aspects, including environmental pollution, and can pose clinically relevant dangers for the health of the user and should therefore be limited (
HPTLC has been used as analytical instrument in herbal medicine quality control and fingerprint of plant drugs. Quality control of crude drugs and is based on plant characteristics and morphology and the analysis of marker compounds. It has been reported that the main secondary metabolites of noni fruit are anthraquinones, scopoletin, quercetin, and ursolic acid, as well as some flavonoid compounds (Almeida 2019). According to Indonesian herbal monograph, scopoletin has been used as a biomarker for the standardization of noni fruit extract (PHI 2008). Scopoletin is a coumarin compound which shows a unique spot-on TLC plate under ultraviolet irradiation at of 365 nm which emits blue fluorescence (Fig.
Almost 200 phytochemicals were reported until 2012 from different parts of Noni fruit (Singh 2012); however, the complete chemical constituent has not been fully reported. Some of the known phytochemicals detected in Noni fruit was scopoletin (
LC-MS analysis of Morinda citrifolia fruit extracts obtained from different locations.
Compounds | Molecular weight | Molecular formula | Bogor | Sukabumi | Tangerang | |||
RT (min) | % area | RT (min) | % area | RT (min) | % area | |||
Scopoletin | 192.0422 | C10H8O4 | 3.87 | 6.4 | 3.87 | 3.4 | 3.86 | 5.29 |
Rutin | 610.1533 | C27H30O16 | 3.66 | 0.52 | 3.66 | 1.02 | 3.66 | 0.5 |
Asperusidic acid | 432.1267 | C18H24O12 | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Deacetyl asperulisidic acid | 390.1162 | C16H22O11 | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Morindin | 564.1479 | C26H28O14 | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
Noni has been reported to possess several pharmacological properties, including decreasing high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, and antioxidants. (ACE) plays important role in the renin-angiotensin system to controls blood pressure. ACE catalyzes the conversion of inactive decapeptide angiotensin I to active octapeptide angiotensin II. The use of ACE inhibitors is well established as one of the therapeutic principles in the treatment of hypertension (
It can be concluded that the Noni crude drug and extract in this study fulfilled the requirements as raw material for herbal medicines and showed ACE inhibitor activity. Further, the isolation of active compounds and their characterization from the extract and in vivo antihypertensive activity will be evaluated and reported soon.
RTD: Conceptualization, methodology, investigation, formal analysis, supervision, writing original draft; GP: Methodology, investigation, formal analysis, writing-review; AWS: Validation, formal analysis, supervision, writing original draft; MA: Methodology, investigation, formal analysis, writing-review; LM: Investigation, formal analysis, validation; SF: Validation, formal analysis; GFS: Validation, formal analysis
The authors express their gratitude to the LPDP/BRIN Prioritas Riset Nasional (PRN) for Herbal Medicine for funding this research. We also thank Ms. Tria Yolanda and Mr. Sukirno for their technical assistance in the extract preparation. The authors acknowledge the facilities, scientific and technical support from Advanced Characterization Laboratories Serpong, BRIN through E-Layanan Sains, BRIN. All author has equal contribution to this research.