Review Article |
Corresponding author: Stefka Achkova Ivanova ( ) Academic editor: Danka Obreshkova
© 2023 Maria Stamova Vakrilova Becheva, Angelina Georgieva Kirkova-Bogdanova, Krasimira Milcheva Kazalakova, Stefka Achkova Ivanova.
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Vakrilova Becheva MS, Kirkova-Bogdanova AG, Kazalakova KM, Ivanova SA (2023) The benefits of sports for the physical and mental health of adolescents. Pharmacia 70(3): 751-756.
A healthy lifestyle is the main expression of positive health behavior. Movement is a natural need of every child and is a basic preventive tool for strengthening children‘s health. Sport is a complex process that improves the qualities of movements, strengthens the muscles of the body and forms physical endurance through its positive influence on all organs and systems. Sports activities have a beneficial effect on the psyche and personality of adolescents and are defined as the main factor for maintaining, preserving and improving health and a healthy lifestyle. In most European countries, the teaching methodology is aimed at finding the meaning and encouraging the desire of each student to engage in regular physical activity.
The article aims to familiarize the audience with the impact of sports on various organs and systems, with the benefits for the physical and mental health of adolescents from sports activities, as well as to provide information on recommendations for the correct choice of sports depending on the constitution and disposition of adolescents.
sport, physical, mental health, adolescents
A healthy lifestyle is an essential expression of positive health behavior. Movement is a natural need of every child and is a basic preventive tool for strengthening children‘s health. More and more children and students spend their free time in front of the TV or computer instead of playing and doing sports in nature. All this leads to immobility, which has a negative impact on the health of the developing child‘s body (
Hypodynamia in childhood leads to incorrect body posture, overweight, muscle weakness and spinal deformities, which are leading diseases in school age. It is a serious risk factor for the occurrence of many chronic diseases and has a negative impact on the processes of growth, maturation and development of all organs and systems (
In immobilized adolescents, an unfavorable personal psycho-social attitude is formed – it reduces „internal control“ and „self-control“ of behavior with the resulting more frequent involvement in harmful habits and practices (
The article aims to familiarize the audience with the impact of sports on various organs and systems, with the benefits for the physical and mental health of adolescents from sports activities, as well as to provide information on recommendations for the correct choice of sports depending on the constitution and disposition of adolescents.
The cardiovascular system is one of the most sensitive to sports activities. As a result of the excitation that occurs in the motor area of the cerebral cortex, the sympathetic system is activated and the heartbeat increases from 60–70 to 200 beats per minute. This leads to an increase in the tone of the blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure. There is a rapid redistribution of blood from the blood depots, the capillaries of the spleen, liver, and mesentery of the intestines are contracted, and with great physical exertion, a large amount of blood can be pushed out. During muscle work, the amount of circulating blood could increase 2–3 times. The heart rate increases, the stroke volume and the minute volume increase, and thus the heart muscle is stressed. The blood circulation of the myocardium improves, and in the conditions of physical work, the coronary current increases by 15–20 times. The contractile abilities of the myocardium increase, it is able to contract less frequently and more powerfully, giving it a longer time to rest and recover (
A single physical activity leads to an increase in the respiratory function. Faster and deeper breathing leads to better ventilation. An increase in breathing air is achieved (350–500 m in untrained; 950 ml in athletes). Oxygen saturation of the blood increases. This is due to the increased contact of the capillaries with the alveolar air and improves blood perfusion in the lungs. The amount of passing blood in the small circle of blood circulation increases (from 5.5 l in 1 min. at rest it can reach 40 l during great physical efforts). This helps in better absorption of medicines used for lung diseases. All functional indicators change positively – chest and diaphragm mobility, lung volumes increase, lung tissue elasticity, etc. Lung ventilation, breath holding time and hypoxic resistance increase (
Beneficial changes occur in the nervous system and in the cerebral cortex – neurons permanently improve coordination when processing information in the dynamically changing environment during sports, the balance of excitatory and inhibitory processes improves, and this leads to positive changes in the type of higher nervous activity and normalization of cortical neurodynamics. The activity of the analysts is improved and the analytical ability of the cerebral cortex is enhanced.
The production and control of stress hormones increases, the productivity of age-normal anabolic hormones rises. Thermoregulation improves. The number of erythrocytes and white blood cells in the blood grows, which boosts cellular respiration and increases the body’s immune response against infections (
The favorable changes that occur in the locomotor system refer to an increase in bone density, improved control over joint mobility, and strengthening of the surrounding musculature. Blood circulation improves, which leads to better nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the joint capsule and enhances the release of synovial fluid. The elasticity of the supporting apparatus is preserved (
The goal of sports activities is to ensure harmonious development and physical perfection in man. In the different periods of human life, this basic goal has concrete substantive dimensions. At an early age, sports activities strengthen and toughen the body, increase its resistance to diseases. Children develop physical qualities and capacity to act, form skills and build motivation for independent motor activity. One of the main tasks of sports in primary school is the complex development of motor skills, the ability to act and the coordination of the movements of students (
In preschool age, through sports activities, adolescents form motor skills and habits, develop physical qualities and improve coordination abilities (
At school age, there is a strengthening and improvement of acquired motor skills and habits, an awareness of the importance of physical exercise for the health of the body and the formation of a need for systematic sports activities.
In high school age until adulthood, sports activities should be established as a basic need. Independently or with the help of his family, the future young person should integrate sports and physical activity into his lifestyle, so as to guarantee his personal health (
Each sport has different advantages. Running as a type of physical activity is often overlooked because it does not have a quick effect, but it trains the heart by influencing cardiac and extracardiac factors. The results of this exercise include improved muscle tone, weight loss and a significant increase in energy.
Cycling is very beneficial. Improves blood circulation, work of the heart, lungs and organs of vision, trains the vestibular apparatus, and also prevents the appearance of varicose veins (
For adolescents who are contraindicated for strong physical exertion, swimming is the sport that develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and harmoniously models the muscles of the body. There are no age restrictions for practicing the sport of swimming. Swimming is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of curvature of the spine and deformities of the chest in children (
Sports and physical activity are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, as regular exercise can not only strengthen muscles, but also help increase immunity, remove toxins from the body and build physical endurance. One of the key rules, but neglected today, is the correct distribution of time that adolescents devote to physical and mental work. Adolescents often neglect the time for sports (Merdzhanova 2020).
This leads to insufficient physical activity – variable lifestyle factors that influence the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (
What is important for children‘s physical activity and the prevention of cardiovascular risk, apart from active sports, is its duration over time.
A study by
A study by
These studies prove that there is an unfavorable tendency for adolescents to neglect the time devoted to sports.
For this reason, it is necessary to encourage a love for sports and sports activities should start at an early age. Parents, teachers and coaches alike have a fundamental and important role in encouraging adolescents to participate in extracurricular sports according to their interests. Educating the need for sports activities will support the construction of the overall value system, at the center of which is good health, and the tool for its achievement should be a healthy lifestyle and optimal physical activity (
In case of insufficient physical activity, guidelines should be given to increase it and training should be conducted on its protective role on the cardiovascular system, weight and health in general (
When the human body is stressed or in pain, neurochemicals called endorphins are produced in the brain‘s hippocampus (a structure responsible for memory). Endorphins, which are structurally similar to the drug morphine, are considered natural pain relievers because they activate opioid receptors in the brain, which help minimize discomfort and ease a person‘s psyche. Endorphins can also help create feelings of euphoria and happiness. After the discovery of endorphins, the idea emerged that exercise produces a huge rush of these neurochemicals. Jogging is very popular as a practice because after a strenuous workout, endorphins are responsible for the euphoric feeling in the psyche that so many people experience. People who exercise regularly do so because it gives them a huge sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have a sharper memory, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and life (
Another mental health benefit of exercise is increased energy levels. It has been proven that the more one trains, the more endurance one gets. Sport maintains the hormonal balance in the body. Physical activity can greatly affect hormonal health. Sport has a very positive effect on the production of sex hormones. A major benefit of exercise is its ability to lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity. One of the great benefits of playing sports is an individual‘s enhanced self-esteem and sense of attractiveness (
Aerobic exercise improves concentration by influencing the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for forming, organizing and storing memories. This brain structure grows when people become fitter through sports, and this partly explains the benefit of increasing the ability to remember new information (
From a public health perspective, mental illness currently represents a serious issue – and its occurrence is increasing. According to the
In addition, depression is the most common cause of invalidity of population on a global scale. It belongs to the main risk factors related to death caused by suicide. Similarly, anxiety disorders and addictions are very common diagnoses which have severe health, social, and financial consequences. In Europe, suicide is the cause of death in more than 58 000 cases every year. It is estimated that suicide attempts are even more frequent. It is the second most common cause of death in the age group of 15–19 years old. A special group that is very sensitive to stigmatization and discrimination is children and adolescents – as their psychosocial development is not yet complete. Self-esteem and self-perception in puberty and adolescence is more influenced by the external effects and reactions from their environment. Mental disorders represent a significant obstacle in the education, family and social life of adolescents and children (
The impact of sport and its socially significant role is also decisive for the manifestation and non-manifestation of various forms of aggression and depression (
This manifestation also depends on the personality of the teacher, the teacher, the coach, who in most cases should have a positive influence on the mental stability and emotional stability of the athletes – children, students, students, young people (
Within the framework of the Project to the SU (No. 80-10-63/2019 and No. 80-10-45/2020), a study was conducted with the aim to report the influence of the levels of various types of aggressive reaction and depression through sports activities. It has been ascertained that the sports of judo, fitness, basketball and tennis improve the mental resilience and emotional stability of adolescents (
As we noted above, training improves the quality of sleep, because the time of deep sleep increases. This phase helps boost immune function, maintain heart health, and control stress and anxiety.
The data from the latest studies on the health status of students carried out by the Scientific Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases at the Medical Academy – Sofia / Bulgaria / indicate that a number of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism, some neurotic reactions and behavioral deviations have been found such as initial chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, motor and other systems of the body (
International recommendations regarding physical activity in school-age children – 5–18 years old – are for moderate to intense physical activity daily for 1 hour (
Encouraging physical activity, educating about its benefits and the risks of its absence, promoting physical activity and the need for it among younger and adolescent people should be the commitment of the state, government, society, family and parents, as well as teachers and healthcare professionals working in healthcare, and more specifically school healthcare (
The choice of physical activity depends on many circumstances. The choice of a sports activity depends on the current physical condition of the adolescent and what are the possibilities in their place of residence to perform a certain type of physical activity. Children and adolescents are not as durable as adults and it should be taken into account that they expend more energy for each action. Whichever sport is chosen, the benefits will outweigh the indicators of harm. Preference should be given to general strengthening types of exercise that have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and the full functioning of the heart (Merdzhanova 2019).
The health benefits of sports during adolescence come from the following: when choosing sports, attention should be paid to the physique of the teenager. A short child will not be able to prove himself in basketball, but if he has strong legs, he could very well show good results in running. Attention should also be paid to disposition. An active child will not be interested in playing chess, but in a team game they will be equal. Gymnastics and dancing are recommended for developing plasticity, femininity, and harmony in girls (Trapani G 2014).
It is recommended to lay the foundations in the study of the basic concepts and activities of tourism already at the initial stage of the basic educational degree in order to attract the learners to active sports activities and games in nature. In this way, young people’s interests are directed to other types of sports related to tourism, for example mountaineering, sport climbing, orienteering, skiing, ski-orienteering and others. They are related to the experience of strong emotions and fully satisfy the need for motor activity (
Sport is a complex process that improves the qualities of development in the body, psyche and personality of children and adolescents, and is defined as a main factor for maintaining, preserving and improving health and a healthy lifestyle (
In most European countries, the teaching methodology is aimed at finding the meaning and encouraging the desire of each student to engage in regular physical activity, which is important not only for maintaining a normal body weight (
Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the significant factors for maintaining good health and preventing diseases among adolescents is physical activity, carried out in the form of a certain type of sport, fitness, tourism or other activities that provide optimal exercise.