Histological sections of mice kidney. A. Normal kidney; B–D. Kidney of a mouse treated with gentamicin. Note abnormal glomerulus in B., heavy leukocytic infiltration in C. and tubular degeneration in D. (arrows); E. Kidney of a mouse treated with low dose M. peregrina with gentamicin; F. Kidney of a mouse treated with high dose M. peregrina with gentamicin. Note that leukocytic infiltration is less than that in gentamicin group (arrow) (H&E stain).

  Part of: Hasan A, Issa R, Al-Halaseh L, Abbas MA, Al-Jawabri N, Al-Suhaimat R (2022) Investigation of the nephroprotective activity of Moringa peregrina leaves aqueous extract in mice. Pharmacia 69(4): 1095-1102. https://doi.org/10.3897/pharmacia.69.e90506