Total cases of top ten most common diseases given in ICD-10 code (2016–2020) in CTDH. B01: Herpes Zoster; B02: Varicella (chickenpox); A63: Anogenital (venereal) warts; L50.O: Benign neoplasm; L23: Atopic dermatitis; A51.3: Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes; D23.4: Allergic contracting dermatitis; B86: Scabies; H02.6: Xanthelasma of eyelid; L23: Allergic urticaria.

  Part of: Nguyen PH, Dang TVK, Nguyen PT, Vo TMH, Nguyen TTM (2022) 5-year inventory management of drug products using ABC-VEN analysis in the pharmacy store of a specialized public hospital in Vietnam. Pharmacia 69(2): 517-525.