Representative images of rat liver tissues stained with haematoxylin and eosin. C (control) – normal hepatic architecture and liver lobular structure; H (CCl4-induced hepatitis) – expansion of the portal fields due to severe lympho-histiocytic infiltration, moderate blood supply to the vessels with focal erythrodiapedesis, fatty droplet dystrophy and a specific balloon cell structure; LOLA (CCl4-induced hepatitis + LOLA treatment) – progressive restoration of the liver structure, LOLA+NAME (CCl4-induced hepatitis + LOLA treatment + L-NAME) – partial restoration of the liver.

  Part of: Datsko V, Loi H, Datsko T, Mudra A, Mykolenko A, Golovata T, Furdela M, Orel Yu, Smachylo I, Burak A, Klantsa M, Oleshchuk O (2022) Nitric oxide-mediated effects of L-ornithine-L-aspartate in acute toxic liver injury. Pharmacia 69(2): 527-534.