The chromatogram profile of the crude extract of Bacillus siamensis LDR : A. C14 iturin A; B. C14 bacillomycin F; C. C15 bacillomycin F; D. C16 bacillomycin F; E. C12 surfactin; F. C13 surfactin.

  Part of: Santoso I, Fadhilah QG, Safitri SD, Handayani S, Maryanto AE, Yasman Y (2022) Inhibition of the phytopathogenic fungi Curvularia lunata BM and Ganoderma sp. TB4 by antifungal compounds produced by Bacillus siamensis LDR grown on hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) starch. Pharmacia 69(1): 203-210.