Curve showing the antiplatelet activity profiles of GTDC in ADP-induced platelet aggregation. A Baseline or peak of platelet aggregation (solvent treatment); B Peak of platelet aggregation in GTDC or ticagrelor treatments; C Platelet disaggregation in GTDC or ticagrelor treatments. Blue line, solvent; black line, 0.1 µM GTDC; red line, 1 µM GTDC; and green line, 0.1 µM tigacrelor.

  Part of: Fakhrudin N, Pertiwi KK, Takubessi MI, Susiani EF, Nurrochmad A, Widyarini S, Sudarmanto A, Nugroho AA, Wahyuono S (2020) A geranylated chalcone with antiplatelet activity from the leaves of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis). Pharmacia 67(4): 173-180.