Antiplatelet activities of AAE and GDTC in ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Sigmoidal dose–response curves showing the antiplatelet activity of AAE (A), GTDC, and ticagrelor (B). The percentage of platelet aggregation was calculated on the basis of the decrease in the aggregation peak. Data were mean ± SD (n = 3); *p < 0.05 relative to the solvent-treated group (set as 100% aggregation).

  Part of: Fakhrudin N, Pertiwi KK, Takubessi MI, Susiani EF, Nurrochmad A, Widyarini S, Sudarmanto A, Nugroho AA, Wahyuono S (2020) A geranylated chalcone with antiplatelet activity from the leaves of breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis). Pharmacia 67(4): 173-180.