Alexandrina Mateeva, Magdalena Kondeva-Burdina, Paraskev Nedialkov, Lily Peikova, Maya Georgieva (2023)
Development of Hyphenated Techniques and Network Identification Approaches for Biotransformational Evaluation of Promising Antitubercular N-pyrrolyl hydrazide-hydrazone in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes.
Chromatographia86: 497.
DOI: 10.1007/s10337-023-04260-5
Alexandrina Mateeva, Lily Peikova, Magdalena Kondeva-Burdina, Maya Georgieva (2022)
Development of new HPLC method for identification of metabolic degradation of N-pyrrolylhydrazide hydrazones with determined MAO- B activity in cellular cultures.
Pharmacia69: 15.
DOI: 10.3897/pharmacia.69.e78417
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