Pap Smear results of the oral mucosa of OSCC-Induced Rats; A. Grade I from K0; B. Grade II from P1; C. Grade III from P2; D. Grade IV from P3, E. Grade V from K1, and F. Grade I from P4. K0: Normal, K1: OSCC, P1: OSCC treated with nano herbal Bischofia javanica, P2: OSCC treated with nano herbal Phaleria macrocarpa, P3: OSCC treated with a combination of nano herbal Bischofia javanica and Phaleria macrocarpa, P4: OSCC treated with Vitamin C.

  Part of: Rumahorbo CGP, Ilyas S, Hutahaean S, Fatimah Zuhra C (2024) Bischofia javanica and Phaleria macrocarpa nano herbal combination on blood and liver-kidney biochemistry in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma-induced rats. Pharmacia 71: 1-8.