Frequency distribution of IDILI cases and controls of six NAT2 variants in various countries. Description of the country code abbreviation as follows; Brazil (BR), China (CN), Japan (JP), India (IN), Indonesia (ID), Thailand (TH), Tunisia (TN), Spain (ES). The country code with the suffix IDILI indicates the case population in that country while without affix indicates control population (Leiro-Fernandez et al. 2011; An et al. 2012; Ben Mahmoud et al. 2012; Gupta et al. 2013; Santos et al. 2013; Rana et al. 2014; Mushiroda et al. 2016; Wattanapokayakit et al. 2016; Ben Fredj et al. 2017; Suhuyanly et al. 2017; Yuliwulandari et al. 2019).

  Part of: Santoso SB, Pribadi P, Irham LM (2023) Isoniazid-induced liver injury risk level in different variants of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) polymorphisms: A literature review. Pharmacia 70(4): 973-981.