ACE administration reduced foam cells in aorta histopathology (M = 400×) in mice fed a high-fat, high-fructose diet for 5 months. The black arrow shows the accumulation of foam cells in the tunica media, and the asterisk (*) shows the lumen of the aorta. N: normal-fed mice (non-high-fat-fructose diet); HFFD: high-fat-fructose diet mice (w/o administration of ACE); D1: HFFD mice receiving ACE 104 mg/kg body weight; D2: HFFD mice receiving ACE 520 mg/kg body weight; D3: HFFD mice receiving ACE 5200 mg/kg body weight.

  Part of: Nafisah W, Dalilati AZ, Christina YI, Atho’illah MF, Rifa’i M, Noor TNETA, Nugraha AP (2024) Amstirdam coffee ameliorates Lp-PLA2 and the inflammatory response in an atherosclerosis mice. Pharmacia 71: 1-8.